Cleansing & Charging your Crystals
Why is it important to cleanse & clear your crystals?
It is important to cleanse your crystals because they absorb all negative energies from their surrounding environment. They absorb harmful, negative and other unbeneficial energy around you and transform it into more positive and useful energy that then gets put back out.
Cleansing your crystals is imperative to flush out all of the harmful energy for the crystal to continue to be effective.
When to charge your crystals
The more often you use your crystals, the more energies they will collect so cleansing your crystals at least once a month is recommended. However, you can cleanse your crystals more often if you would like or feel the need to.
If you are wearing crystal jewellery, this is best cleared daily or at most weekly.
If someone else touches your crystals, especially ones you use often, it is recommended to clear them either straight away, soon after or prior to using them again.
How to charge your crystals
Here are the six most common & effective ways to cleanse & clear your crystals
Moonlight: Placing your crystals out under the moonlight overnight, especially under a full moon will cleanse and also charge your crystals.
Sage and Palo Santo: Burning sage or Palo Santo is also another effective way to cleanse the energies out from your crystals. To do so, light your Sage or Palo Santo stick and move your crystals through the smoke for roughly 30 seconds per crystal.
Running Water: Holding your crystals under running water for roughly 1 minutes per crystal will neutralize any negative energy stored inside the crystal. Note: make sure your crystal can get wet as crystals that are brittle or soft, such as selenite, kyanite, and halite cannot get wet as they can dissolve in this process.
Salt Bath: Fill a shallow bowl with sea salt and add your crystals in, partially burying them in the salt. Leave them here for a day or overnight and the salt will clear the unwanted energies out of your crystals.
Selenite: Simply lay out your crystals on or against a selenite rod or any of selenite crystal for around 6 hours. Selenite has the power to cleanse all crystals as well as your Chakras.
Earth: You can use the elements of the earth by burying your crystals underground for a full day. The earth soaks up all unwanted energies contained within the crystals leaving them cleansed and cleared.