Healing Services.

Energetic Embrace…

Soulful By Mel Gadd | Chakra Balancing

Chakra Balancing

cleanse and balance

There are 7 main energy points within the body called Chakras that if unbalanced or blocked can cause disturbances within your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual body. The affected Chakras will impact certain areas of your life & can cause unexplained physical symptoms/illness. Each Chakra represents different areas of your life and also relates to different areas of your body, therefore, for your energy to flow Chakras require alignment.

Using my higher healer guides I am directed to clear & balance your chakras using a combination of, universal energy, crystal pendulum, chakra crystals, Tibetan Tingsha Cymbals & Crystal singing bowls to give your chakras a full cleansing and balancing; realigning them into a perfect state of harmony.

Your Chakras & Aura are interconnected as a part of your whole energetic body, by using sage and Tingsha Cymbals we also clear your Aura from any heavy, stagnant, blockages & low vibration energy.

$180 AUD

In Person only - Allow 1 hour for this service

Soulful Healing

realign the mind, body & soul

This service is a combination of Chakra Cleanse & Balance, Aura clearing & Spirit Healing. Soulful Healing releases, clears & realigns all levels of your being on a mental, emotional, physical & spiritual level. During this service I am in communication with my higher healer guides as well as any loved ones that wish to step forward to pass on messages to my client.

I gain information about the trauma(s) associated with the unbalanced chakras & where it has stemmed from. I am then directed by Spirit to the best way of clearing the blocked, unbalanced and/or stagnant energy.

During the Spirit Healing, my higher healer guides take me through the internals of the physical body & shows me where in the body my client is unwell or has disturbances. Through my guides, higher healing energy is directed into your body to aid in healing & information from Spirit is passed onto the client. During this part of the healing, if more energetic work is needed, Spirit will direct me to what needs to be done further to aid my client in bringing them back to the highest state of alignment, with mental clarity, less or relief from physical pain, feeling lighter, more energetic and relief of concerns relevant to the client.

When healing children my higher healer guides will direct the level and amount of healing energy given to the child as children require a softer energy to adults.


$295 AUD

Remote or In Person - Allow 1.5 hours for this service

Soul Renewal

release & realign all levels of your being

Soul renewal is a complete renewal/transformation of the soul on all levels of your being. This is the most comprehensive & most requested healing. This extensive healing is inclusive of Chakra Balancing, Aura Clearing, Spirit Healing, Cord Cutting followed by a 30 minute reading.

During this session using multiple tools as directed by Spirit, I will balance & realign your Chakras, cleanse your Aura; assist in healing your body by higher healing energy & be able to provide information on what is going on internally, not only with your physical body but also with your mental & emotional bodies; remove attachments; pass on messages from loved ones that have past who choose to present themselves; lessen or relieve your physical & emotional pain; provide mental clarity, closure, insight and information regarding your future. The extras included in this healing session of Cord Cutting & 30 minute reading provide the removal of energetic ties & clarity of movement forward.

More detailed descriptions on each service included in this healing are under each individual service. ​

This service is best suited to: anyone & everyone that would like a comprehensive healing/overhaul of their physical, mental & emotional bodies regardless of how many concerns you have; especially if you feel ready to make a change, have a fresh start in your life or want to release what is holding you back from being the best/most in tune version of yourself.


$395 AUD

In Person only - Allow 2.5 - 3 hours for this service

Soulful By Mel Gadd | Distant Healing, Realign the Mind, Body & Soul

Distant Healing

realign the mind, body & soul

This service is a remote Soulful Healing. Soulful Healing releases, clears & realigns all levels of your being on a mental, emotional, physical & spiritual level. During this service I am in communication with my higher healer guides as well as any loved ones that wish to step forward to pass on messages to my client.

I gain information about the trauma(s) associated with the unbalanced chakras & where it has stemmed from. I am then directed by Spirit to the best way of clearing the blocked, unbalanced and/or stagnant energy.

During the Soulful Healing, my higher healer guides take me through the internals of the physical body & shows me where in the body my client is unwell or has disturbances. Through my guides, higher healing energy is directed into your body to aid in healing & information from Spirit is passed onto the client.

During this part of the healing, if more energetic work is needed, Spirit will direct me to what needs to be done further to aid my client in bringing them back to the highest state of alignment, with mental clarity, less or relief from physical pain, feeling lighter, more energetic and relief of concerns relevant to the client.

My higher healer guides will direct the level and amount of healing energy given to the child as children require a softer energy to adults.


$240 AUD

Remote only - Allow 1.5 hours for this service

Soulful By Mel Gadd | Group Healing, Realign the Mind, Body & Soul

Group Healing

realign the mind, body & soul

During a Group Healing, I am taken to each individual when in a smaller group, and send healing energy into their body as I would in a Soulful Healing.

When the group is large, a wave of energy is sent out from me and through each person, creating an energetic healing environment in every space and person within the group.

The personal benefits are the same as a Soulful Healing, however, I will not be conveying the information regarding each person as I would in an individual healing, unless Spirit gives me direct messages for anyone in particular.

Contact us for Cost - This varies dependent on whether done remotely or in person and size of group.

Time Required is dependent on the size of Group

Soulful By Mel Gadd | At Peace Healing, Soul Release

At Peace Healing

soul release

At Peace Healing is beneficial for those nearing the end of their journey here. It provides assistance to align the mind, body & soul to prepare for crossing over.

Higher healing light energy is passed through me from spiritual healers to reconfigure the energetic bodies, bringing them into balance to create a more harmonious internal environment to allow the person to let go.


$220 AUD

Remote only - Allow 1 hours for this service

Soulful By Mel Gadd | Animal Healing, Energetic Embrace

Animal Healing

energetic embrace

Animal Healing assists in re-alignment of the animal's physical & spiritual bodies, healing & creating harmony between these. Whether the animal has a suddenly illness, long-term illness, unexplained symptoms, change in behaviour or needs assistance to pass; Animal Healing sends higher healing energy to where it is required within the animal's body. Areas of concern are highlighted & any change care noted e.g. dietary modifications. This healing can also support their body whilst going through treatment. ​Animal Healing returns alignment to the body, mind & soul of the animal & its aura.


$200 AUD

Remote only - Allow 1 hour for this service