Little Souls Healing

Realign the mind, body & spirit…

Little Souls Healing

healing for children (newborn - 14 years)

Little Souls Healing is for children and young adults. This service is a combination of Chakra Clearing-​Balancing, Aura clearing & Spirit Healing and done with an energy match based on the individual child. ​Little Souls releases, clears & realigns all levels of the child's being on a mental, emotional, physical & ​spiritual level. My higher healer guides will direct the level and amount of healing energy given to the ​child as children require a softer energy to adults.

During the Little Souls Healing, my higher healer guides take me through the internals of the physical ​body & shows me where in the body the child is unwell or has disturbances. Through my guides, higher ​healing energy is directed into the child's body to aid in healing & information from Spirit is passed onto ​the guardian. During this part of the healing, if more energetic work is needed, Spirit will direct me to ​what needs to be done further to aid my client in bringing them back to the highest state of alignment, ​with mental clarity, less or relief from physical pain, feeling lighter, more energetic and relief of ​concerns relevant to the client.

This healing is helpful if the child has unexplained medical concerns, general feeling of being unwell, ​known illness, change in mood and/or demeanour, have been on long term medications, anxiety, stress ​& other related issues.



Remote or In Person - Allow 1 hour for this service