''Mel's approach to our sons mental health has ​been an integral part of regaining his confidence''

– Client

''We didn't know each other at all - until I layed on ​her table and she started describing my loved ​ones, my childhood memories, my personality, ​blockages and my deep soul's desires - I felt held, ​seen and supported - I felt at home''

– Client​

Hey Mel, feeling great, like I've woken up or ​something, so bizarre! But good! And all that ​back/rib pain is practically gone, can't believe it! I ​would literaly wake each day hunched over and so ​stiff and sore, but it's practically gone! Emotionally ​feeling much more centred and less easily ​irritated! And prioritising some 'me' time, so ​thanks for the reminder! You're amazing Mel, ​thank you.

– Cl​ient