Releasing Services.

Freeing Yourself…

Soulful By Mel Gadd | Cutting Cords, Releasing Energetic Binds

Cutting Cords

releasing energetic binds

Ever felt weighed down by past situations or people? Throughout our lives ​people create energy attachments to our energetic body, which remain ​regardless of how much time passes. Energetic cords can weigh you down ​physically and mentally; they can cause ailments and allow negativity to flow ​more easily to you from others.​​

Cord cutting is a process of connection to your energetic body to remove or ​cut the cord(s) of attachment, freeing up your energy and allowing you, ​yourself back.​​

This service is best suited to: anyone that feels as though a past ​relationship(s) is holding them back in some way.


$180 AUD

In Person only - Allow 1 hour for this service

Soulful By Mel Gadd | Past Life Review & Healing, removal of the old

Past Life Review & Healing

removal of the old

Past Life Healing addresses trauma sustained in a previous life, which has cords of ​attachment to this life. It is when the trauma is played out in some way. This could be ​by way of physical, mental or emotional issues coming from internal and/or external ​situations. This healing clears the traumatic instance from your previous life & releases ​the energetic cord attachment to this life.​​

If you have had unexplained situations reoccurring, whether it be physical, mental or ​emotional, or you feel that your past lives are attached to this one, a Past Life Healing ​can help bring you back into realignment.


$220 AUD

Remote or In Person only - Allow 1.5 hours for this service