Crystal Colours & Meanings

Here are some of the most common uses for each colour crystal

WHITE (colourless): These are for health/healing of the whole body, assisting with communication between yourself and your spirit guides, clarity, connection between other crystals (especially in grids) and pain relief (acute). Note: you can use colourless white as a substitute for any other colour.

WHITE (translucent or solid in colour): These are for protection against negativity, bonds between mother and child (nurturing), depression and exhaustion.

BLACK: These are for protection, shielding, grounding, grief, guilt, constipation and pain relief.

BROWN: These are for all things practical, patience, pain relief (chronic), all lower body healing, helpful for older people and their age-related ailments.

GREY: These are for neutralizing unkind energies, shielding from psychic attacks, anxiety, pain, burns, wounds and being adaptable.

GOLD: These are for money, healing of whole body, nervous system, addictions and skin.

PINK: These are for love, friendships, grief/loss, kindness, relationships of all kinds, headaches (stress), stress, self-loathing and insomnia.

RED: Related to the Base Chakra. These are for vitality and movement, strength, taking action, energy (physical), circulation, blood issues, anemia, passion, skeleton, reproductive organs, muscles, depression.

ORANGE: Related to the Sacral Chakra. These are for creativity. joyfulness, your self-esteem, confidence, intestines, bladder, arthritis and overall immune system.

YELLOW: Related to the Solar Plexus Chakra. These are for intuition, communication, skin problems, digestion, metabolism, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, concentration, memory and surgery.

GREEN: Related to the Heart Chakra. These are for love, nature connection and healing, wealth, heart, lungs, respiratory system, virus and infections (especially ones that effect your respiratory system) and high blood pressure.

BLUE: Related to the Throat Chakra. These are for communication, speaking your truth, partnerships, peace and calmness, thyroid, burns, scalds, cuts, high blood pressure, inflammation, career promotions and eyesight.

PURPLE: Related to the Third Eye Chakra: These are for headaches/migraines, spirituality, spiritual communication, dreams, intuition, scalp, hair, ears, teaching and imagination.