Elements Clearing Kit


The Elements Cleansing Kit is perfect for clearing your space and cleansing your energetic body before rituals, after a hard day, or when you have picked up someone else's energy.

This kit includes:

x1 Medium Sage Stick

x1 Palo Santo Stick

x1 Abalone Shell

x1 Feather

x1 small information card

*Please note each natural element is unique, as they are products of nature, meaning no two pieces will be identical.

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The Elements Cleansing Kit is perfect for clearing your space and cleansing your energetic body before rituals, after a hard day, or when you have picked up someone else's energy.

This kit includes:

x1 Medium Sage Stick

x1 Palo Santo Stick

x1 Abalone Shell

x1 Feather

x1 small information card

*Please note each natural element is unique, as they are products of nature, meaning no two pieces will be identical.